Virtual Workshop/Webinar

Virtual Workshop/Webinar
Understanding and Implementing SEL Surveys and Mental Health Screeners
Learn about the different types of data collection tools (i.e., universal screeners, SEL surveys, school climate surveys) and clarify their distinct purposes. Examine ways to effectively and efficiently collect data so that it can be used to inform decisions about how to best support students. Listen to practitioners and experts from the field of SEL and mental health share information and best practices.
Our Resources
- SEL, Culture Climate, and Mental Health Surveys and Screeners
- SEL & Mental Health Data Inventory
- Resources & Recommendations for Equity Data Use
Additional Resources
- Mental Health and Social Emotional Learning | xSEL Lab
- Social Emotional Learning Works, But it Cannot Replace Mental Illness Care | EdSurge
- Measuring SEL: Using Data to Inspire Practice | CASEL
- Practical Ways to Assess Climate and Social and Emotional Competence
- Assessing and Enhancing SCC
- Stop & Think Before You Act: Are You Ready to Assess?
- Ready, Set, Go, Review: Mental Health Screening in Schools
- Best Practices In Universal Social, Emotional, And Behavioral Screening: An Implementation Guide
- Coleman Health Services, Evaluation and Diagnostic Assessment
- Minnesota Department of Human Services
- National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, Mental Health Screening Tools for Grades K-12
- Universal Behavioral/Emotional Health Screening in Schools: Overview and Feasibility