
Team Lead Meeting - December 2024
Today's Facilitators: Emily Baton &
Schools/Districts: All Year 1 Team Leads
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 872 7675 9254
Event Sign-in -
Please sign in for this event to have these hours go toward your certificate of attendance. Certificates are distributed twice a year.- Evaluation-
This meeting will focus on inclusive learning through SEL, MTSS, shared decision-making, and actionable feedback to foster supportive, collaborative environments.
- Glows and Grows
- Co-Creating Positive Learning Environments
- Traditional vs. Collaborative Practices in Schools
- Gathering Information from Partners
- Action Planning
December Year 1 Team Lead Meeting Presentation 24-25
- SEB Academy Tiered Supports Inventory:
- Commonly Used Assessments, Surveys, and Screeners
- Family-School Partnership Survey
- Family-School PRACTICES Survey
- Climate Survey: Staff, Students, Families
- How Are Schools Using School Climate Surveys?
- How Are Schools Using Parent and Personnel School Climate Data?
- Feedback and Input Survey
- Empathy Interview Tool
- Focus Groups
Staff input/involvement , Student input/involvement , Action Planning , Mental Health , Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) , School Culture/Climate , Sense of Belonging , Social Emotional Learning (SEL) , Tier 1 programs, practices, or policies