
Cohort 9B Coaches Meeting - December 2023
Trainers: Christine Downs and Michelle Pratt
Schools: King Philip MS, East Meadow, North Grafton ES, South Grafton ES, Burgess ES, Daniel Webster ES, Littleville ES, Chester ES, Gateway MS/HS, North
Location: Zoom,
Meeting ID: 890 0133 2248 Passcode: 054477
- Tier 1 Year 2 December Coach Meeting PowerPoint 2023-24
- Tiered Fidelity Inventory
- TFI Tier 1 Quick Check Tip Sheet for Scoring TFI
- PBIS TFI Walkthrough Tip Sheet
- Integrated TFI Companion Guide
- Examples of Engaging Instruction to Increase Equity in Education
- Brief: A 5 Point Intervention Approach for Enhancing Equity in School Discipline
- Article: Go, Engage, Connect: Welcome Student Identity & Improve Equity
- Article: 5 Questions Every Team Should Ask about Racial Disproportionality
- Video: SWIS Equity Report: Risk Index