
Cohort 9B Coaches Meeting - November 2023
Trainers: Christine Downs and Michelle Pratt
Schools: King Philip MS, East Meadow, North Grafton ES, South Grafton ES, Burgess ES, Daniel Webster ES, Littleville ES, Chester ES, Gateway MS/HS, North
Location: Zoom,
Meeting ID: 890 0133 2248 Passcode: 054477
- Tier 1 Year 2 Nov PowerPoint 23-24
- Feedback & Input Survey Manual
- Overview of the Feedback and Input Survey
- Climate Survey Manual
- Self-Assessment Surveys
- Aligning and Integrating Family Engagement in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports:
- School-Family Practices Survey
- Article: 7 Ways to Partner with Students and Level Up Your Implementation
- Video: Voice’s role in Implementation (Student, Family and Community Voice)