
Cohort 9A Coaches Meeting - February 2025
Meeting Information
Trainers: Chelsea Salvatore & Erik Maki
Schools: Shay ES, John Glen MS, Bridgewater-Raynham HS, Gardner HS, Burkland ES, Goode, ES, Nichols MS, Memorial ECC
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 841 9587 9823
Passcode: 752771
Event Sign-in -
Please sign in for this event to have these hours go toward your certificate of attendance. Certificates are distributed twice a year.
Meeting Materials:
- PBIS-Academy-Y3-FEB-Coach-Meeting 24-25
- Beginning to Address Equity in Tier 1 Systems
- Integrated TFI Companion Guide
- Culturally Responsive Field Guide
- Discussing Race, Racism, and Important Events with Students
- Centering Equity within the PBIS Framework: Overview and Evidence of Effectiveness
- Implicit Bias Video
- Vulnerable Decision Points Worksheet
- Poster Session Directions and Examples
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) , Tier 1 programs, practices, or policies