In-Person Event
In-Person Event
Cohort 10 Team Training- October 2024
Meeting Information
Trainers: Chelsea Salvatore & Michelle Pratt
Schools: Carroll ES, Morris ES, Mitchell ES, Merrill ES
Location - May Institute Office, 41 Pacella Park Dr. Randolph MA 02369
Event Sign-in -
Please sign in for this event to have these hours go toward your certificate of attendance. Certificates are distributed twice a year.
Meeting Materials:
- Year 2 October PBIS PowerPoint 24-25
- Advanced Action Plan
- Start With Why: How to Put Purpose Back in Your Work
- SWIS Drill Down Work Sheet
- Supporting & Responding to Student Behavior (Classroom Practices Document)
- Motive, Motivate, Motivation: Why are my students doing that?
- Supportive Environments Create Classroom Community
- Classroom Support Systems Brief
- The Classroom Management Observation Tool (CMOT)
- PBIS Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)
- Creating a Classroom Teaching Matrix
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) , Tier 1 programs, practices, or policies